Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Troop Surge Fallacy

Critics of the neocon troop surge plan have missed the boat. They are correct that increased troop levels will not right the ship but not for the correct reasons.
Opposition to surge:

  • Not enough troops
  • Increased demands may break military readiness
  • more troops will cause more violence
There are enough troops for a short term show of force. We cannot uphold our current commitments around the world but only means that we must prioritize. If Iraq is the priority, then the troops exist. Shifting troops from Korea and Europe would provide enough forces for the foreseeable future. This may not be an advisable option but to say it is not possible is untrue.
Deficient funding, and not increased demands are what threaten the military. Since the end of the Cold War our military has been slowly phasing equipment used to fight large WWII style wars and phasing in light, faster, and more technologically advanced equipment. The new military works very well in that it can move forces quickly and strike decisively. No military in the world can begin to compare. We are no longer striking a military force and are instead trying to suppress an entire population. We are stripping a nut by using the wrong wrench. What difference will a temporary surge make? We can complain about stripping the nut further but we still must use the wrong wrench if we ever want it off.
The worst of the arguments is that an increased presence will cause more violence. What the hell does this mean? If you don't poke the beehive you will never get the honey. I suspect that those that make these arguments leave the plastic on a new couch (just a hunch).

My rejection of afore mentioned arguments does not signal my support for more troops. I simply feel that their arguments are disingenuous. The people who bashed Rumsfield/Bremer for not sending more troops at the outset of the war are the same people who are now saying more troops will cause more violence.

Sending more troops is not the answer but we should reject the false reasoning of many critics.

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